17 August, 2007

The sun did come up and it has been a decent day

another day of waking and saying, "no cigarettes today". Sounds easy, but it's not. I told my quit buddy how proud I am of her and how lucky I am to have her going through this with me. Can't have too much support or enough pats on the back.

It's finally cooling off a little bit. I'll get up to temps in the 60s tomorrow! We had a record 105F on Thursday and it was a miserable day. I plan on going to the HS track by 7am and see if I can make it the full 4 laps without stopping again. I'm hoping I can run more than half of it, but we'll see.

I had lunch with my sister today. I was nervous, but got the nerve up to tell her that I'm uneasy about this new relationship she's in. It's a gut thing. Can't really say I've been around the guy long enough to make a good judgement. She was very open minded and told me that I should be able to say anything to her. I love my Sis!


Anonymous said...

Yep, it's not always easy, but a day at a time, it's doable, and I think it's awesome that you have a quit buddy!

Sherri said...

Thanks Maggie. I am truly blessed to have such a good friend. Not sure I could do this alone!

Coffee Slut said...

Just found your blog ...I am also taking Chantix, after 30 years of smoking, and am on day 26. I don't think I could have stopped smoking without it, I love it! No major side effects here other than the dreams, and I find them quite entertaining. Good luck!

Tabatha said...

congrats on another smoke free day ;-)
And Im with you its not always easy....but my outlook is.....If I can get through today.....then I can get through tomorrow also!
Keep it up Your doing great ;-)