04 September, 2007

Thought I'd try to taper to 1/2 a Chantix a day

When I went to bed last night it was 6 weeks since my last cigarette. Yes! What a feeling that was this morning.

I've been on one a day for a little over 2 weeks now. I started out yesterday morning with 1/2 and did well until about 6 in the afternoon. My husband had been out, came in and lit a cigarette. All of a sudden I wanted it! Now, this was the first time I really wanted a cigarette because it was lit around me. I immediately thought, "I'm not starting over", took the other half of the Chantix and went outside.

I had a terrible time sleeping last night. Kept waking up with dreams again. So I didn't even try again today. Maybe I should let this week go by and see what happens starting Sunday.

This one scared me. I know I could start again in a heartbeat, but that was a little close for comfort.

Now, I hate to complain about my Hubby. He is a great guy. But I finally asked that he not smoke in the house a few days ago. I'm hoping he is just forgetful. But he'll smoke the entire thing. I'm not going to turn in the "smoke-free bitch". I guess I'll start spending my evenings on a different floor in the house. That's not the best solution though!


Anonymous said...

I don't think it's too much to ask to want to have the inside of the house smoke-free, but that's just me. I never smoked inside except when I lived alone, and even now I worry about my kitty that had to breathe it.

Congrats on 6 weeks!

Konstantin said...

It's perfectly legitimate to ask him to help you get over this addiction. Ask him maybe if he can not smoke inside temporarily, and go from there. I can't IMAGINE quitting in a smokey house...