10 June, 2015

Short Track week #3

Another fun evening with great people! It was HOT but not too humid. Since this was my last possibility to race the series I didn't want to miss. But major flare-up happened Monday and was miserable today. Rode to work this morning and seriously considered going home, but needed to  get things done and didn't want to burn a PTO day. :-)

Got out of work and rode home. A friend came to visit and we rode to Eva Bandman together. I tried to talk her into racing, but she didn't bring her MTB. 

I started the race, but realized the pain was too distracting and I was going to be an obstacle for the others. Still had fun, always have fun riding bikes and being with like-minded people.

Time to think and regroup.

Will add photo/video later.

peace and g'nite

it should be easier. I was told I shouldn't care. But I do, it's how I'm wired. To be standing and talking with people and have people either act like you're not there or just walk away. this too is life. c'est la vie, non?

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