03 February, 2015

February Full Moon

Sat with Mom during supper yesterday evenin'. It was definitely interesting to listens to the "conversations" taking place. Everyone talking and waiting their turn but not really having a conversation.  They all have their own that's going on in their mind. But is was nice to see everyone talking and were pleasant with each other. Mom really has no idea what year it is or that Dad or Mammaw have been dead for many years. Her eyesight is much worse. I mentioned the fireplace looking cozy in the corner and she said she couldn't see it. She was walking the halls when I got there with her purse on her shoulder. I'm confident we moved her at the rights times both times. I feel she is where she needs to be for now. 

Today is a full moon, February at that. 

A time for new year, new beginnings, letting go, new adventures to seek, new friendships to make, and maybe some goals to achieve. 

I took yesterday off from any workouts. Probably should've ridden trainer, but my legs were very tired. I got home from work and had an hour on phone with tech support for my PC and almost called off my workout. But I got my things and went to the gym and ran 3.1 miles in 35 minutes. It was hard. I ran 2 minutes and walked 1 minute the entire time. The first 15 minutes (run only) was at 10 minute pace and the remainder was about 9:35 pace I think. Kept thinking the entire time how hard this will be outside with no machine to keep me running at pace. Time to figure out the Garmin and get a strap to attach to my arm I reckon. 

February is typically the coldest and harshest month here in the KY. After this weekend I'm planning on a weekend away. Hope Mother Nature complies. haha

peace and love for all 

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