Lot's of life has happened since I last wrote. Not much riding bikes though.
I must say I am staying busy at work, plenty to learn. Everyone is busy and the lady I've replaced is now retired. It's good. My brain is getting much needed exercise. I've been out of shape. So now I need to get back to where I can work and work out on regular basis. The bike is on the trainer. I even bought a special trainer tire.
I've slowly started riding again. I've started a strength/stretching training program as well. The days are getting longer again, which is always a good thing. We've gotten a lot of rain. I have a feeling we will continue to get some kind of precipitation. At least if it snows and is below freezing we can ride trails. That would be so much fun. Especially under a full moon.
Last weekend there was an Alley Cat "race". Some raced, some just enjoyed the ride (me). I rode my SS. That wasn't so bright, but had mechanical issues at home so that is the bike that was available. There were about 25 of us I think. It was so much fun, riding in the city at night. Exploring with other routes. We even rode up and over a walking bridge. It had two 180 degree turns that were fun!
I rode fire roads today. It was short though ~10 miles on mtb. It's frustrating. The lungs are bad and what little cardio I had is nonexistant. You have to be able to handle the spikes in HR. I need to ride. So traininer/rollers it will be for me now. I'm putting together my race/training plan over the next week. Already looking at going south to ride for a week come March.
The world hasn't ended. That was funny to read everyone's posts. There have been many sad events though. Friends and strangers alike are experiencing losses, illnesses and tragedies.
Christmas means a lot of things to many people and has no meaning for others. I'm thankful that this is a time of year I get to spend time with my family and friends. I hope to snap more pictures of Mom and all of us. The best gift in the world as far as I'm concerned is to spend quality time with the ones you love and care about. And that gift should happen year 'round.
We have some bigs things happening in our fair city soon. The culmination of years of work and sacrifice of a friend of mine will happen end of January, first weekend of Feb. Louisville2013 will be the first time cyclocross Elite Worlds will take place outside of Europe. I'm so excited. Eva Bandman park is the place to be. I hope to see all of my pro CX heroes!
Merry Christmas to everyone, much love to each of you.