28 December, 2011

2011 coming to it's end

It's been a helluva year to be sure. I was thrilled my job was still in place at the beginning of the year, it was uncertain. My boss seemed to like my performance from 2010 and I rec'd a nice bonus for the year. I already knew what I wanted to do with it. So, I talked with my guy at the LBS and probably drove him a little crazy with all of my questions. Which bike,  what groupo, what size!?!, etc. Placed the order and picked it up in May. Last year's model of the SuperX. Love this bike.

I told coach my goals for the year. CX is what I want to train for, no early road races for me. I wanted to build bike handling skilz on the mtn bike and use road for power/speed. LOVED the mtn bike and entered and rode most of the DINO series among others. Travelled to most of these races with a super strong Cat 1 woman Mtn biker. She taught me quite a lot on the trails. It was good to have someone to get to know, joke and travel with. I didn't focus enough on power and speed so the handful of crits I entered were horrible outcomes. My fault. 

Came into August and some life events began to take priority. Family always comes first. So between family and work, my attention on training was distracted. I registered for all OVCX races, missed a couple due to illness. I've continued racing by attending the ICX races in December. My results have slid from mid pack to almost last more than I want to admit. But this is bike racing. My goal was to have a mini peak for OVCX finale and then major peak in January.

I was told on 15 November that my job had been eliminated as of 30 November. I was sad yet ok with it. Sad to not be working with some amazing people. Ok because I'd lost my passion for it. 

NYE will be the last local CX race, travelling to Indy and trying one more time to put together a decent workout/effort before next week. Driving to Wisconsin early next week for CX Natz. Wishing it wasn't going to be a solo drive, but seems that's the way this season has been. This year I will stay for the final day and watch the Elite Women and Men, U23 and U19 races. Then back for for Master's Worlds in Louisville. 

I'm not one for resolutions, at least not ones at New Year's time. But I've been thinking about so many events over 2011 and will try a few changes and keep most things the same. 

My Mom and children and siblings are super important to me and I will always try to be there for them. I care about my friends, it's not to say I don't make mistakes and exercise poor judgement at times. But I am loyal, some say to a fault. I don't burn bridges, but try to repair and rebuild. 

I love riding and racing bicycles. I'll continue to work hard and hopefully can put together a better season in 2012 and move out of the Cat 4s in CX. If not it won't be the end of the world.

I will find a new vocation. One where I can help others and feel like I'm making a difference somewhere, somehow. One that rekindles my passion for good work.

I will attempt to remain quiet and think before speaking. This is not always so simple and I've acted poorly out of emotion too many times.

I will continue to build upon existing friendships and hopefully add more friends to the list. I know the cycling community has some of the most wonderful, supportive and all around happy people around.

All the best for a wonderful 2012 to each of you



Lesley10 said...

Congrats on your year Sherri. Baby steps lead to great things!

Sherri said...

Thanks Lesley, taking each day and each goal as I can. I so appreciate all of the encouragement. It helps so very much.